Blog Archives

Oregon 529 Tax Deduction is Disappearing in 2020

The Oregon State legislature has decided to limit the tax benefits of contributing to an Oregon 529 College Savings Plan. The new rules go into effect in 2020: Instead of a tax deduction, which counts against your income, there will … Continue reading

Dividends 101

Quick: what is the difference between income and principal? While most people know vaguely that principal has to do with what you originally deposited in an account, and income is what is paid on that principal, these definitions can get … Continue reading

Giving To Charity on the Cheap

Ever wonder how you can make a difference even if you don’t have a lot of extra cash? Here are a few ways we give to charity that don’t require a fat checkbook: Kiva. Cascade Investment Advisors keeps funds on … Continue reading

What Slowdown?

While tariffs and threats about tariffs are being blamed for a slowdown in manufacturing indexes, job and earnings growth, lagging auto and home sales etc etc, it is entirely possible that weather is the real culprit. Stocks have swooned off … Continue reading

Why Did the Market Do That?

The media loves to ascribe a reason for every significant stock market move. Humans feel better if there is an answer to ‘why?’ How many times have you read something like, “Stocks fall on worries over trade”, or “Stocks down … Continue reading