Blog Archives

Covid and the Economy, Mid 2021

While Covid cases are picking up, and the Delta virus is changing the calculus around how efficacious vaccines are, the economy continues to slowly improve. Data shows that previous spikes in cases have resulted in less and less economic disruption … Continue reading

When and How to Talk to Your Advisor About Changing Your Investment Objective

Every once in a while, life throws a curve ball. You’ve set up your investment portfolio in partnership with your advisor, and suddenly, it doesn’t seem like it works for you any longer. Maybe the value is declining even when … Continue reading

ESG Part II: Why it’s So Hard

Finally, with Covid fading, and the markets settling, we can return to our ESG series. The last installment in this series was over a year ago, when we introduced the topic and mentioned that we would be looking at specific … Continue reading

And Now, Let’s Hear from the Bond Market

Last week’s market action was dominated by a sharp increase in interest rates, particularly in the five year, ten year, and thirty year Treasury maturities. Underlying the action was an unusual circumstance in the short term money markets – the … Continue reading

The Pandemic and the Stock Market

The behavior of the stock market has been a great puzzle to most observers lately. Why is the market surging when the economy is still struggling, unemployment is still high, earnings have sunk, and the pandemic still rages? Stock values … Continue reading