Blog Archives

What Will Home Prices Do During Today’s High Inflation?

Much of the economy is in flux at the moment, so it’s difficult to find a trend that’s reliable. Stocks have put together several downtrends, interrupted by strong rallies. Interest rates have generally gone up, but this week, rates fell. … Continue reading

Volatility, As Expected

As broadcast well and thoroughly by the Federal Reserve, it has started to hike interest rates for overnight money (called the federal funds rate), beginning with 25 basis points (0.25%) early in the year, and now, because the perception is … Continue reading

Choosing the Best Credit Card

Choosing the Best Credit Card A client asked us a simple question: What credit card is best for me? You would think this would have a handy answer, but alas, there are hundreds of credit cards on offer with thousands … Continue reading

The Fed and the Green Economy

While the Fed’s mandates have historically been financial in nature, recently, political/social mandates have also been imposed upon it. One of these is combatting climate change. It’s a puzzle to us how the Fed – which controls a portion of … Continue reading

Decoding Cryptocurrency

You can hardly turn around these days without hearing about Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFTs and that dog that’s been made into a digital currency. After about a year of reading and attending virtual webinars, we finally have some understanding of Bitcoin … Continue reading