Blog Archives

New Tax Bill, Provisions You Haven’t Heard About

The new tax bill is just about 1100 pages long, and many of its provisions are very particular to certain situations, such as residents of high tax states, those subject to AMT, and so forth. For specific questions about your … Continue reading

Protecting Financial Accounts in the Face of Alzheimer’s

What do you do with financial accounts when a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimerā€™s? This question is becoming more pertinent by the day as we live longer. The issue of protecting assets that had heretofore been shared is a … Continue reading

How to Defeat the Equifax Hack and Protect Your Credit

In yet another blow to corporate America, Equifax has belatedly let us all know – and by ‘all’ I mean nearly every adult in America – that our information has been stolen. Since these credit reporting agencies are repositories for … Continue reading

Faulty Thought, Version 1.0: Healthcare

The debate over health insurance in the US continues to rage. No one likes any of the solutions proposed by anyone very much. But it’s not the solutions that are the problem; it’s the nature of the debate. When did … Continue reading

Value Misery

For the last ten years at least, investmentĀ managers who analyze stocks looking for value have had a tough time performing well. It’s becoming easy to wonder if value investing doesn’t ‘work’ any more. Jeremy Grantham has mused that large companies … Continue reading