Blog Archives

Will Tariffs Sink the US Economy?

Aside from the Kavanaugh nomination and Hurricane Florence, the news lately has been dominated by ‘tit for tat’ on the trade front. Meanwhile, the stock market powers ahead. What gives? Isn’t it important to our economy if traded goods are … Continue reading

The Great Emerging Markets Swindle

Unfortunately, the longer I practice as a portfolio manager, the more cynical I become regarding certain aspects of our business. The great push to include emerging markets funds in a ‘diversified’ portfolio has become my favorite annoyance lately. Granted there … Continue reading

Oregon vs Washington: Should I Move Across the River to Save Taxes?

Residents of Portland, Oregon are only a matter of a handful of miles across the Columbia River from a completely different tax regime, in Washington. Does it make any sense to move to Washington for retirement or when selling a … Continue reading

Stocks Behaving Badly vs Your Plans

We often advise clients about short term investments, such as how to save for the imminent purchase of a home or for a child soon to enter college. In the midst of a bull market, it seems tempting to buy … Continue reading

Puerto Rico Causes Municipal Debt Tremors

Even since the Great Recession, municipal bonds have seen more trouble than is normal for this usually super-safe segment of the bond market. Several municipalities in California filed for bankruptcy (Stockton, Vallejo, San Bernardino), then there was Detroit, and now … Continue reading