Twitter recently sent a very informative message regarding their security protocol. I gleaned some interesting information from the note which sent me around the web to find other security tips.
We’ve already warned that passwords should be strong (see blog here). Charles Schwab & Co. recently told us that in the first quarter of 2012, they’ve experienced more wire fraud than in all of 2011, due to hackers obtaining client email addresses and intervening in the email flow between advisor and client. The hackers mimic the client once they have the flavor of the typical conversation, asking for a wire to be sent. If your email passwords are strong, this would be much tougher. So make sure to change passwords, and keep them strong.
Aside from passwords, there’s a little known opportunity to apply “do not track” to your browsing preferences. On your browser, you can specify private browsing. Visit here to find out more. Additionally, you can tell some advertisers NOT to track your browsing for the sake of pitching you “tailored” ads – those annoying sidebar ads that seem to relate to sites you’ve visited lately, or things you’ve purchased lately. Two organizations enforce “do not track” for advertisers: they are DAA standing for Digital Advertising Alliance (here) and the NAI, National Advertising Initiative (here). Go to those sites to remove and prevent “cookies” from advertisers who are in the business of capturing your private information.
Stay safe online!