Jennifer Adelblue, Director of Client Operations

How long have I been in the industry?
I have been in the financial industry since 1994. I started my career in a small bond brokerage firm and like a lot of small firms, it morphed over the years to a large corporation.
Starting with Cascade Investments reminds me of my roots in the industry.

What do I like about this industry?
This industry is always changing.

What do I like about working in a boutique firm?
I like helping people reach their goals.  Whether it is personal or professional, I appreciate the effort it takes to make our dreams and goals a success and those can be accomplished with a little help and support from one another.  To achieve this, it usually involves paperwork.  That’s where I come in 😊

Favorite way to spend time?
I have somewhat seasonal hobbies.
When it is nice outside, I like to take walks, garden and go camping. I also belong to a train club where we maintain and ride 1/8th scale – 7.5 gauge trains.
When it is raining and wintery, I like to quilt and do other handicraft projects.