Pre Retirement Conundrum
“Bob” was approaching retirement and had amassed a healthy sum in his 401(k). As retirement neared, Bob’s job status came into question, and a bear market decreased the value of his 401(k).
Bob contacted us to see if we could help. Although we were unable to directly manage the assets in his 401(k) until retirement or the elimination of his job (which was a couple of years away), we agreed to take a look at his investment options. We found he was nearly entirely invested in equities. For two years, Bob allowed us to review his 401(k) statements. Working with Bob, we suggested he sell investments as they rose in price, and add those proceeds to a conservative option. Over time, we helped Bob reallocate his 401(k) so that his investments were better aligned with his retirement objectives. Bob’s account recovered by the time he retired. We didn’t charge Bob for his pre-retirement advice.